In response to an incident at RHAM High School in November 2022, where a noose was found in a boys’ locker room, CoDE invited community members to gather together in the center of town on Saturday, December 13th to show support for students, parents, and the entire RHAM community affected by this horrific act.
The No Place for Hate rally was also a visible way to show that this incident does not define who we are as a community.
Over 100 people took time from their busy schedules and braved the cold to show up and say loudly that hate has no home in our community.
Community members also signed a petition to show their support:
And while this show of support was important, CoDE continues to work with school and town leaders, like it was before the incident, to put programs and initiatives in place that will increase education, understanding, and empathy – and will lead to an even better, more vibrant and inclusive community…one where everyone is valued and welcome.
For coverage of the rally, see below:
“When hate is loud, love cannot be silent.”