Diversity among teachers is as important and beneficial as diversity among students. Research illustrates that teachers of color help students “understand ─ and confront ─ racism, and prepare students to live in a multicultural society.”
Currently, about 88 percent of CT educators are white (while 54 percent of students in K-12 are children of color), according to the CT Department of Education.
There has been a concerted effort on the part of the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education and State Department of Education to increase teacher diversity in Connecticut. Since 2009, the share of educators of color went up 3.9 percentage points, from 7.8% in 2009 to 11.7% in the current school year. And nearby Windham had the largest increase in share of diverse educators, from about a tenth in 2009 to almost a fourth of the total in the current school year, a 13.1 percentage point increase. The Windham district more than doubled the amount of nonwhite educators, going from 36 to 86. Norwich more than tripled, from 14 to 51.
The four towns served by CoDE have very low levels of diversity among its teachers in the elementary, middle and high schools.
For the 2023-24 School Year, here are the stats:

The reports below provide excellent and timely data, as well as the ability to see trends over the past several years. Called Report Cards, they are compiled by the State Department of Education for each school in the state.
Here are the links for the three districts and RHAM (Click the link below and find the Educators tab):




RHAM (Regional District 8)