It’s often said that young people are our future. As small, rural communities like Hebron, Marlborough and Andover strive to become more vibrant, diverse and equitable, CoDE decided it was important to hear what young people want in a community and in housing.
At our Community Conversation on October 19th, five young people who grew up in Hebron or Andover shared their thoughts about what an ideal community looks and feels like to them.
“For me, the ideal community is warm and inviting … a place where everyone feels seen.”
“My ideal community is Hebron – plus diversity plus public transit plus affordable housing.”
It was clear that they think Hebron has a lot to offer (they loved the beauty, walking trails, sidewalks, and town events). But it’s also missing some key elements of what they are looking for in a community – in particular, racial, ethnic and socio-economic diversity, housing that is affordable to them, walkability, and public transportation.
We are grateful to each of the panelists for their honesty, vulnerability and thoughtfulness.
Funding for the webinar was provided by the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.
If you missed it, here is the full recording.